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Champion City Alphas Programs

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation began collaboratively implementing Project Alpha in 1980. This collaborative project is designed to provide education, motivation and skill-building on issues of responsibility, relationships, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for young males between 12-19 years of age. The Lights of Alpha (LOA) Male Mentoring Program of Alpha Phi Alpha East St. Louis is held in conjunction with Project Alpha. The LOA program was founded in 2000 by Brothers Robert Jones, Jeremy L. Harmon and Teron Bowman. Much of the education disseminated in LOA mirrors the objectives of the Project Alpha program. Since its inception, there have been close to 100 young men who have benefited from the LOA program. Bro. Pierre Smith serves as the chairman of this committee. This program is done in partnership with the Metro East St Louis Community Initiative. - Learn More


The Alpha Phi Alpha/Big Brothers Big Sisters Partnership began in the early 1990’s. Now, the partnership is moving to the next level in scope, capacity, and effectiveness. Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter is meeting the challenge set forth by 32nd General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. by engaging with a little brother. The chapter currently has several brothers serving as a Big Brother to a Little. The brothers of Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter see this opportunity as a unique potential to make a difference in the easiest and simplest way. Brothers that share everyday activities with a young man creates experiences, connections and memories that have an extraordinary impact.


Education has always been an important mission of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity by supporting and encouraging youth to “Go to High School, Go To College.” Brothers Hezekiah Webb and John McDonald were the first to financially contribute to a scholarship fund for the Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter that awards scholarships on an annual basis to young men in the metropolitan St. Louis area.


In 2003, during the leadership of 14th Chapter President Reginald Riddle-Young, Delta Epsilon Lambda spearheaded the Judge Ora Polk Oratorical Competition. This competition is named in honor of the late judge and was created to continue his legacy as a well respected educator, civic/community leader and charter member of Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter. The contest encourages communication growth of students in the metropolitan area and is open to males in grades 9-12. Bro. Polk was an excellent orator and consistently encouraged youth to excel academically and professionally. The program is celebrated during the month of January each year, which is the birth of Brother Dr. Martin Luther King. To honor his memory local citizens are recognized with the Distinguished Dr. Martin Luther King Service Award for their outstanding contributions to humankind. This program is done in partnership with the Metro East St Louis Community Initiative.


To celebrate the start of the new school year from a long hot summer, Delta Epsilon Lambda began sponsoring a Back to School Youth Rally and school supply drive under the administration of 16th Chapter President Michael Boyd. The purpose was two fold: 1) to provide school supplies to low income families and 2) to address the need of immunization and updating of pertinent school information for students returning to school. The chapter routinely garners the support of more than 12 vendors to greet the students and families as they arrive. Students receive free haircuts, health and insurance information from the East St. Louis Health District and Harmony Health Care are finger printed by the East St. Louis Police Department to ensure safety measures and a myriad of other free information. Entertainment for this event is provided by the East St. Louis Senior High School Jazz Band, the college Brothers from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, IL (Iota Pi Chapter) and Majic 100.3 Hip Hop and R&B Radio Station. Well over 500 people annually attend this event. To carry out this service project, the chapter has partnered with New Life Community Church in East St. Louis where Bro. Rev. Kendall Granger is pastor. Bro. Reginald Riddle-Young serves as chairman of this committee.


Each year, Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter, participants in the Lights of Alpha Male Mentoring Program and participants from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program partner to collect non-perishable items and can goods to benefit the annual can food drive. The items collected are donated to local not-for-profit agencies in East St. Louis to further their food assistance programs. In past years, those receiving donations from Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter have been Dorris Davis Helping Hand Shelter, Salvation Army, Urban League of St. Clair County and The Second Chance Emergency Shelter. Bro. John Bonapart serves as chairman of this committee.


The Leadership Development Institute stems from the Alpha Academy which was organized in the late 1980's on the campus of the University of Missouri at Columbia by the late Dr. Keener A. Tippen, Sr. The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) grew out of the Alpha Academy. LDI provides stimulating and motivating information in the area of leadership development, citizenship, economic empowerment and education to name a few. Many students throughout the Midwestern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha participates in the the weekend of programs/activities. Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter is entering in its 16th year of participating with this program by sponsoring at least 7 young men on a yearly basis. Bro. William C. Lloyd has been the longtime chairman of this committee.


Each year, the American Cancer Society hosts its Annual Relay for Life Cancer Walk at the Clyde C. Jordan Memorial Stadium in East St. Louis. This event recognizes the survivors of cancer of all forms. Members participating in this event are involved in an all night event that includes walking, dancing, exercising, fellowshipping, eating, entertainment and prayer. Monies and donations raised from this event are given to the ongoing research of cancer. Delta Epsilon Lambda has participated in this event since 2003 during the leadership of 14th Chapter President Bro. Reginald Riddle-Young. The chapter banner is placed on display and a tent is set up with Alpha brothers and guests enjoying the amenities of fellowshipping and a successful event to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Bro. Tony Webb serves as chairman of this committee.


In 2008, the leg work of Brothers Reginald Riddle-Young and Percy McKinney led to the Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter adopting the Illinois Avenue Park. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by 16th Chapter President Michael Boyd that created a partnership with the East St. Louis Park District that continues today. The chapter understands that public parks are a vital part of our communities with regards to the uplifting of children and seniors. Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter is the first black Greek-lettered organization to Adopt-A-Park in the metro east area. This initiative is to re-energize the communities’ interest in local parks and wholesome family fun. As a Chapter, we work to clean up the park by removing debris and enhancing the overall beauty of the park.


As a tribute to Alpha Wives and Sweethearts, an evening of tribute is spearheaded by members of Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter to pay tribute to its significant other. Over the years, this members only event is celebrated at a local restaurant/venue with dinner, movie and/or live dancing. This event has been a long standing tradition.


Since adopting its first room at the Call For Help Emergency Shelter in Belleville in the fall of 2005 under the leadership of 14th Chapter President Reginald Riddle-Young, the Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter has continued to partner with the shelter under the current leadership of 17th Chapter President Jeremy L. Harmon. On an annual basis, the brothers of Delta Epsilon Lambda renovate its adopted room by repainting, supplying new bedding, pillows, curtains and donating personal hygiene products to the residents. Participating in this service project with the brothers of Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter are its Beaus, Littles (of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program) and Lights of Alpha participants.


The Delta Epsilon Lambda chapter continues to provide service to our community. Most recently, the chapter has partnered with Dunbar Elementary School to serve as mentors to a dedicated group of young, black boys who have been affectionately named, The Bubble Group.  These boys have shown great potential in the past academic year.  With our assistance, it is hoped that they will make greater progress and accelerate the school's accumulative test scores, making them the standard that all other elementary schools in the district strive to achieve.


Champion City Alphas

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